Uttar Pradesh Bharatiya Janata Party chief Keshav Prasad Maurya and two-time Lucknow Mayor Dinesh Sharma — chosen as new Deputy Chief Ministers on Saturday — are a perfect foil to each other.
Phoolpur MP Maurya, a Most Backward Class, is credited with bringing the backward classes closer to the BJP camp.
Admired for his organisational skills and quiet working style, the BJP state unit chief lost out due to certain cases pending against him.
The parliamentarian is a favourite of Bharatiya Janata Party workers not only due to his infectious smile but also for being one who does not mince words while siding with workers or taking on opponents.
Dinesh Sharma, a professor at Lucknow University, is a perfect foil to Maurya. He is a quiet worker, admired by both Hindus and Muslims in the state capital.
Appointed the BJP National Vice-President and given charge on increasing membership of the party in Uttar Pradesh, he endeared himself to top party brass, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah, by his relentless hard work and amiable style of working.
His long track record in the BJP also helped him sail through. His Brahmin credentials helped him bag the Deputy CM's post as the BJP tried to balance equations in the complex caste matrix of Uttar Pradesh.