Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi took a veiled dig at union Law and Justice Minister Kapil Sibal Sunday, saying he has no knowledge of law, despite being a lawyer and law minister.
Without naming anyone, Modi referred to a recent statement by Sibal about framing a central legislation on match fixing, and said the law minister did not even realise that it was beyond the ambit of the central government to frame a law on gambling and betting.
"We have a law minister here, who all his life made rounds of the Supreme court wearing a black coat, and when a scandal took place in IPL, he jumped to say he would draft a law on it, without realising that the centre did not have the capacity to do so," Modi said. The BJP leader, however, did not name Sibal.
"He did not know it is a state subject. He first went ahead to say he will make a law, then said he cannot make a law, what is this law minister who does not know the legal system," said the Gujarat chief minister.
Match fixing and related betting have so far been covered under state laws related to gambling.
The constitution specifies that laws related to gambling can only be enacted by state legislative assemblies.