Oscar-nominated actor Jared Leto, who plays a transgender AIDS patient named Rayon in "Dallas Buyers Club", said he flirted with director Jean-Marc Vallee for the role in the film.
"I was in Berlin and there was a Skype meeting set up with the director, Jean-Marc Vallee. It was a test, so I used it as an opportunity. I got some lipstick and as soon as we connected I said, 'Hello' and that was the last time he saw me as me," Leto said in a statement.
"I put the lipstick on and he was stunned. I unbuttoned this black jacket I had on and pulled over a little pink furry sweater, then I proceeded to basically flirt with him for the next 20 minutes. I woke up the next day with the part, so it worked," he added.
After the audition, Vallee called up Matthew McConaughey, who plays the lead in the film, to take his opinion on Leto and said: "Do you know this actor Jared Leto? I just Skyped with him and he hit on me; He was feeling me up through the screen! I don't know, it was very uncomfortable but I think we found Rayon."
"Dallas Buyers Club" will release in India on Feb 28.