Filmmaker Prabhu Solomon, who describes his upcoming Tamil romantic-drama "Kayal" as a "sound film", said it was Ang Lee's "Life of Pi" that inspired him to use Dolby Atmos sound technology.
"Kayal", a romantic disaster story set against the backdrop of 2004 tsunami, has been natively mixed in Atmos.
"I first heard and experienced Atmos when I watched 'Life of Pi'. The use of sound in the ocean scenes amazed me. Sound plays a very important role in 'Kayal', especially in the last 30 minutes of the film where there'll be hardly any dialogues," Solomon told IANS.
Prabhu says the 64 channels in Atmos will enhance the tsunami effect in cinemas.
"It will be an exclusive sound film, which will showcase how sound experience can take a film or story to the next level," he said.
"Kayal", which is slated for release Dec 26, will be Prabhu's tribute to the 2004 tsunami on its 10th anniversary.
The film, which was shot in Kanyakumari, Jaisalmer and Ladakh, features newcomers Chandran and Anandhi in the lead.