Three states - Madhya Pradesh, Telangana and Jammu and Kashmir - account for a whopping 76 percent of suicides committed by the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF), official data has revealed.
According to the Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India report 2014 released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) late Friday, a total of 175 CAPF personnel committed suicide in 2014 with marital discord being the top reason (25.7 percent) followed by family problems (10.3 percent) and service related issues and mental depression both accounting for 8.6 percent each.
"Madhya Pradesh reported the maximum suicides at 45.7 percent followed by Telangana (20 percent) and Jammu and Kashmir (10.3 percent)," the report said.
"These three states together accounted for 76 percent of total suicides in CAPFs in the country," it added.
Furthermore, a total of 1,232 personnel lost their lives in various accidents in 2014 of which 32.1 percent were killed in road/rail accidents, 8.4 percent died due to natural calamities and another 7.2 percent died in the line of duty.
A total of 12 personnel were killed in fratricide incidents - the maximum (66.7 percent) incidents being reported from Jammu and Kashmir.