Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar on Thursday asked newly-inducted women police sub inspectors to "maintain a clean character", and also urged them "not to run away from danger and instead face it head-on".
"Women are accountable and sincere in every aspect. Hence, this is the best chance to pay back to the public," Parrikar said, while addressing 32 newly-inducted women officers, at the state police headquarters here.
"Do not fall prey to the bad things around and maintain a clean character, build a good image and keep discipline intact.
"This field is considered as male-dominated due to many reasons. Hence, it is your self-motivation that has brought you here. The training must have made you physically strong and tough, however, there are times when may feel low.
"But with sheer dedication and perseverance, you can overcome it. Hence, do not run away from danger, instead of face it and find a solution," Parrikar added.
The woman PSIs were inducted into the state police force recently, after completing their one-year training at a Police Training College in New Delhi.
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