Green Gold Animation, the creators of popular animated show "Chhota Bheem", released the first song from their upcoming animated film "Hanuman Vs Mahiravana" on Monday.
The song titled "Brave and bold" shows Sugreeva and his army of brave comrades preparing to battle against the mighty Ravana. The song showcases their bravery and preparedness prior to the epic battle.
"We are glad to announce and release the first song 'Brave and bold' from our epic film 'Hanuman Vs Mahiravana'. The film tells the untold story from the Ramayana. The song has a universal appeal and it showcases motivation, courage and the need to work as a team to win the war," Rajiv Chilaka, CEO and founder of Green Gold Animation, said in a statement.
Produced by Green Gold Animation and directed by Ezhil Vendan, "Hanuman Vs Mahiravana" is set to release in India on July 6.
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