Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati on Saturday sought to downplay the exit of her former close aide Swamy Prasad Maurya from the party and termed it "good riddance".
She told her legislators at a meeting in the state capital that the party would not be affected in any way by Maurya's parting ways with the BSP.
"He was never a core party man any time who was behind the ideology of the party but was a loudmouth" she told her legislators. The Bahujan Samaj Party, she added, would never forgive the deceit of Maurya.
The four-time Chief Minister also predicted that like other deserters in the past, Maurya would also regret his "back stabbing" of the party. "People who left our movement have been politically finished and the same fate awaits Swamy Prasad Maurya," she added.