Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Tuesday said Metro services would be extended in the state as per the need of the people after the completion of the existing projects.
Khattar, who travelled in a Delhi Metro train from Central Secretariat station to Badarpur station near Faridabad on Tuesday, told the media that the extension of Metro services in Haryana would make commuting easier for common people.
Interacting with youth who travel every day from the national capital region (NCR) to Delhi, Khattar said the Metro would be extended from Faridabad to Ballabgarh and Gurgaon to Dharuhera via Sohna.
"The work of the Metro in Bahadurgarh is under progress and there is a plan to extent the Metro up to Kundli border (near Sonipat)," the chief minister said.
He said that he opted to travel in a Metro to save time and avoid traffic jams to reach Faridabad, adjoining Delhi, for a function on Tuesday.
"This is not the first time when I travelled in a Metro. I have been travelling in the Metro since the service started between Shahdara and Rithala. It would be better if we travel more by public transport system," Khattar told the media on board the Metro.