Actor Milind Soman, who won the title of 'Ironman' after successfully completing a triathlon touted to be one of the world's toughest, on Tuesday announced the launch of SBI Delhi Pinkathon 2015, a women's marathon aimed at spreading awareness about breast cancer.
The focus of the marathon, which will take place in the capital on September 6, is to encourage an active lifestyle and overall fitness amongst women and creating an awareness about breast cancer.
"Pinkathon is more than a marathon. It is the seed of change. It is the beginning of a movement carried forward by a growing community of empowered women across India who share a belief that a healthy family, a healthy nation and a healthy world begins with empowered women.
"The first step in empowerment is taking control of your own health, respecting yourself and understanding and celebrating the value you bring to your family and society. Empowerment is not a gift of society, it is a gift you give yourself," Milind said here.
The actor also pointed out the importance of fitness and suggested that women need to aware about the benefits of being fit.
"Fitness is liberating. If a culture of regular exercise and fitness must take root in India, our women need to become aware about the benefits of fitness. They need to be able to get out and run, which doesn't happen enough due to various cultural reasons.
"We now organise the Pinkathon in eight cities. More than 10,000 women run at each of these events over the 3km, 5km, 10km, 21km distances. They run in running gear but also in sarees, salwar kameez, hijabs and whatever attire they deem fir and keeps them comfortable," he added.
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The marathon will also see participation from 20 visually impaired girls who will run in three categories of 3km, 5km and 10 km. To prepare them for the main day, a unique training session has been designed to prepare and assist these participants. With every visually impaired participant, a sighted runner is allotted to run alongside them.
Sunita Poddar, a breast cancer survivor, Pinki from National Association of Blind and RJ Jassi from Radio Mirchi were announced as the mascots for the 3km, 5km and 10 km category respectively. All of them were presented with the first bibs along with Reebok running shoes.
"Besides Delhi, SBI Pinkathon has already been held in various cities like Hydrabad, Chennai and Bangalore and will be happening in Ahmedabad, Pune and Mumbai in the later part of 2015. The marathon has received an overwhelming expression of support with over 50,000 women of all ages, across 6 cities in 2014. This number is expected to cross 75,000 in 2015 with 8 cities," said Reema Sanghvi, managing director, Maximus Events.
"We at State Bank of India are proud to be a partner in this great initiative for women that aims to spread awareness about breast cancer and promote women's well-being. It's a run for women, of women, by women," said Vinod Pande, general manager, Corporate Communication and Change, State Bank of India.