BJP president Amit Shah Tuesday gave credit for party's good showing in Jharkhand and Jammu and Kashmir elections to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying that people's faith in him, and performance of his government had contributed to the party's success.
Addressing the media at the party office here, Shah said that Modi had led the party's campaign in the two states.
"I want to congratulate Narendra Modiji also. The performance of the government and people's faith in him have also contributed in a big way (to the party's performance)," Shah said.
He said that the Bharatiya Janata Party got full majority under Modi's leadership in the Lok Sabha elections and has since "reached pinnacles of success" in successive assembly polls.
While the BJP is poised to form government in Jharkhand along with its ally AJSU, the party has emerged as the second largest party in Jammu and Kashmir assembly .
The party is expected to win 25 seats in Jammu and Kashmir, its highest tally in the state.
In Jharkhand also, the BJP is poised to record its largest tally at 38 in the 81-member assembly.