BJP MPs Manoj Tiwari and Anurag Thakur on Friday sang a song to convey their wishes to the Indian Cricket team, who entered the semi-final stage of the cricket World Cup 2015 in Australia.
"Hone wala anhoni hai, jeet ke aane wala Dhoni hai (Unearthly things are going to happen, Dhoni will come out victorious)," said the lines of the song, video clip of which has been uploaded by Thakur on YouTube.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Meenakshi Lekhi and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) MP Supriya Sule were also seen in the video.
Thakur, who is also the secretary of the Indian cricket board, tweeted the link of the video, "A song from MPs to the Indian Cricket Team."