Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Sunday slammed Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain saying that his "diatribe against Pakistan and the Army" proves he is working for the enemy.
"The entire Pakistani nation awaits the exemplary end of this self-proclaimed leader who calls out to India (for help)," reported Geo News quoting Sharif.
Referring to Hussain's recent address to his party workers in which he urged them to stage protests in front of the UN, White House and NATO offices and demand that troops be sent to Karachi, he said the MQM chief's recent statement proves that Pakistan Rangers have taken the right measures in Karachi in their ongoing operation against terrorists and criminal elements in the port city.
In his telephonic address to the MQM's Annual Convention in the US city of Dallas, Altaf called India "a coward country" for allowing the bloodshed of Mohajirs (immigrants) on Pakistani soil.
The MQM is protesting against the Rangers' operation in Karachi, blaming the paramilitary force for singling out and targeting party cadres.