Tamil comedy "Mundasupatti", which released Friday, has netted Rs.3.1 crore in its opening weekend in Tamil Nadu. The makers are extremely happy with the performance of the film.
"Fox Star Studios India and C.V. Kumar's Thirukumaran Entertainment's 'Mundasupatti' has taken a dream start at the ticket window. The film notched up Rs.3.1 crore in its opening weekend, which in fact is the highest ever opening for a C.V. Kumar film," a statement said.
This is the fifth back-to-back hit for the production houses that popular for churning out successful Tamil films such as "Engeyum Eppothum", aceRaja Rani", "Pizza" and "Soodhu Kavvum".
Directed by debutant Ram Kumar, "Mundasupatti" is a story about superstition handled with wit.
The film features Vishnu Vishal, Nandita, Anandraj, Kaali Venkat and Ramadass in lead roles.