Congress leader Amarinder Singh Friday said it was natural for Rahul Gandhi to be concerned about his mother's security if she became the prime minister, and slammed Natwar Singh for sharing private information in public.
"Natwar Singh was wrong in going public with private information that was shared with him in confidence," Amarinder Singh, the deputy party leader in Lok Sabha, said in a statement Friday.
Former union minister Natwar Singh claimed in his book that Congress president Sonia Gandhi did not become prime minister in May 2004 because Rahul Gandhi did not want her to take up the responsibility as he was afraid that she would be killed like his father Rajiv Gandhi.
"It was natural for Rahul Gandhi, who at that time was just about 30 years old, to voice his concerns over the security of his mother in case she became prime minister as he has lost his grandmother and father within a span of less than seven years," said Amarinder Singh.
Referring to Natwar Singh's book, he said, he had not read it as yet. However, he added, what he had read in the newspapers was "wrong" on the part of the former minister.