The BJP-led NDA on Tuesday staged a walkout from the Bihar assembly, expressing dissatisfaction over Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's reply to a discussion on the Governor's address.
The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) members walked out in the midst of the chief minister's reply to a member that rule of law will continue in the state and the government has been taking tough action against criminals involved in incidents of crime.
"Rule of law is in Bihar and it will continue without a compromise. The government will act against criminals without delay," Nitish Kumar said while replying to a question raised by Leader of Opposition Prem Kumar on Tuesday, the last day of the maiden session of the 16th Bihar legislative assembly that began last week.
Nitish Kumar said only two days ago state police recovered a 2,600 years old rare idol of Lord Mahavira. It was stolen last month.
He said police deserve praise for their good work. Similarly, in other criminal incidents, police have arrested people involved in these and solved the cases.
Prem Kumar raised the issue of a bonus not paid for the paddy farmers in the state.
Opposition members raised slogans against the state government and walked out from the legislative assembly.