Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu on Wednesday stressed the need to make electricity sub-transmission and distribution system a circle of profit generation to correct the balance sheets of the sector.
"Today, there is capacity to generate mega power by public and private sector, but the need is to correct and revitalise the distribution system," Prabhu said at a book launch event here.
"Sub-transmissions and distribution systems need to be made into individual profit generation centres to give life back to the sector," he said at the launch of "The Bloom in the Desert - The Making of NTPC".
According to the book's author, and former union power secretary and NTPC's founder-chairman D.V. Kapur, the power sector has the ability to have many other companies like NTPC.
"The company was founded by Indians, its processes and ethos were conceived by Indians... So India has the capability in having more companies like NTPC," he said.
Kapur also lauded the government's current policies of 'Make in India' and ease of doing business.