The animated film "The Little Prince", which had been scheduled for a March 18 release in theatres, will now go to streaming service Netflix instead at a later date.
Netflix has picked up Paramount Pictures' domestic rights to "The Little Prince", the new animated film which is based on the 1943 book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, reports
The studio had originally slated the movie to open in US theatres, but then pulled it off on Friday itself. It is now expected to premiere on the streaming service later this year.
The film, directed by Mark Osborne, an Oscar nominee for "Kung Fu Panda" has grossed $100 million internationally (excluding Britain, Australia, Scandinavia and Spain), where it was handled by various distributors. It was awarded France's Cesar Award for Best Animated film last month.
"The Little Prince" combines 3D computer animation and stop-motion, and has a voice cast that includes actors Jeff Bridges, Rachel McAdams, Paul Rudd, Marion Cotillard, James Franco and Benicio del Toro.