Singer Nicole Scherzinger gets her best ideas while exercising.
The former Pussycat Dolls singer says that going for a morning run is her method to find musical inspiration, as well as giving her a natural endorphin high and keeping her body in shape, reports
She said in an interview with the MailOnline's Femail: "I get my ideas for what I want to do on stage and my music when I run. I prefer doing it in the morning, first thing. Even if I just manage to squeeze in twenty minutes.
"I do Soul Cycle classes in Los Angeles and Bikram Yoga and then interval training three to four times per week. My body starts to crave the endorphins if I don't work out."
The 35-year-old star doesn't believe in depriving herself of her favourite foods, which includes cheese plaits, pasta and fajitas, and simply watches her portion sizes.
"Everyone has different body and blood types so it's best to just eat what makes you feel good. I believe that you should have everything in moderation. If I deprive myself, I want it ten folds and I'll go the opposite way," said Scherzinger.