Delhi Police Wednesday said it had seized some 400 grams of MDMA, a drug used in rave parties and valued at Rs.1 crore globally, and arrested a 32-year-old Nigerian.
Samuel Okeke, who allegedly supplied MDMA and cocaine in Delhi, was arrested Tuesday from Kashmere Gate in north Delhi where he was to supply the consignment to a fellow Nigerian.
"The drug was cleverly concealed in a golf kit box. Around 10 grams of cocaine was also recovered from Okeke," Additional Commissioner of Police Ravindra Yadav told the media.
"It is the first ever seizure of such a huge quantity of party drug by Delhi Police," said Yadav, adding that the drug was meant for Malaysia.
Okeke told police that he came to India in April last year and started exporting garments.
"But he did not earn much in the export business. He came in contact with a Nigerian, Prince, who offered him good money for facilitating the trafficking of party drugs," said the officer.
Prince told Okeke Sunday that someone would come from Bangalore to collect the golf kit. And so the Nigerian went to Kashmere Gate where the police pounced on him.