Indian actress Priyanka Chopra, says she is proud of Reliance Foundation chairperson Nita Ambani, who has been elected as an individual member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) making her the first Indian woman to be part of the world body.
Priyanka on Thursday took to Twitter, where she also said that Indian sports needs a "passionate supporter" like her.
"So very proud of you Nita Ambani. First Indian woman to be elected to the IOC. Indian sports needs a passionate supporter like you.Woman Power," she tweeted.
Ambani, who was elected on Thursday, is the only individual member from India. She will be at the world body until she attains the age of 70, IOC announced.
After being nominated in June 2016 by the IOC Executive Board, she was elected by IOC members in Rio de Janeiro on Thursday at the 129th IOC session.
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The independent selection process follows a new procedure for the recruitment of IOC members based on the Olympic Agenda 2020 recommendations; those nominated are done so wholly on merit and then elected by existing IOC members.