The Gujarat Government on Thursday asked police not to show haste in registering cases against public servants without verifying facts so as to ensure that no false cases were registered.
A home department notification said filing of cases adversely affected the morale of officials carrying out their duties in right earnest.
The department directed police authorities to work out and implement a system to cross-check charges made by complainants who could have approached police out of grudge against an officer.
Many people approach police to lodge a first information report against government officers or public servants who have taken some action against that person(s), the notification said.
Police should lodge an FIR only if they find the complainants' claims legitimate, it added.
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Explaining the reason for issuing the directions, the notification said these were necessary to boost the morale of public servants who are wrongfully targeted by those facing some legal action from the government.
Officials get demoralised on finding their names in the media after an FIR is filed against them.
While public servants welcomed the notification, the opposition Congress flayed it.
"This notification goes against the spirit of the constitution, which treats everyone as equal. Now, the state government wants separate treatment for its officers," senior Congress leader Shaktisinh Gohil told media persons.