Union AYUSH Minister Shripad Naik on Friday said that there was no need to condemn the statements made by BJP MP Subramanian Swamy and a senior VHP leader against beef-eating practice in Goa.
He however also said that eating customs should not be forced on others.
"They are speaking in their language... Every one has their own demand, but such things cannot be forced on anyone," Naik said, adding that there was no need to condemn such utterances.
While Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Radhakrishna Manori had said that the Hindu organisation was in a position to impose a ban on beef consumption in Goa within two years, Swamy said that beef eating habits in Goa needed to be altered.
More than a third of the state's population comprises of minorities, for whom beef-eating is normal practice. Beef consumption in the tourist state is an average of 40 tons everyday.
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