As Uttar Pradesh assembly poll dates were announced on Wednesday, Noida Police launched a two-day drive and removed hundreds of illegal hoardings from the city roads and major intersections in tandem with Noida Authority's enforcement teams.
The drive that started on Wednesday afternoon involved in-charge and staff of all local police stations and posts.
"We have directed all police officials to start removing hoardings found fixed/pasted at all government structures as per the Model Code of Conduct. We aim to remove all illegal hoardings in Noida and Greater Noida during the drive," Superintendent of Police (City) Dinesh Yadav told IANS.
"We are taking assistance of Noida Authority's enforcement teams," Yadav said.
"We have removed hundreds of hoardings. If found putting up hoardings in violation of the Model Code, strict action will be taken against erring persons," the SP said.
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