The Odisha BJP Monday added glamour quotient to its membership drive by inducting actor Ashrumochan Mohanty and director Sudhakar Basantactor to its fold.
"I am convinced that BJP is doing great service to the motherland. So I joined the BJP,'' Mohanty told reporters.
Meanwhile, Basant said he joined the party after being inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's style of functioning. "I want to do something for the state and country. I think I can do better social service by joining the BJP,'' said the director.
Before the 2014 general elections, several Odiya actors, Sritam Das, Pintu Nanda and Pinky Pradhan, had joined the party and campaigned for its candidates during the electioneering.
Meanwhile, the party has decided to intensify the membership drive in the state setting a target to collect 40 lakh members by March this year.
Pratap Sarangi, in-charge of the BJP's membership drive, said the party has decided to intensify the process from January 23, the birth anniversary of freedom Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
"We have decided to enrol 40 lakh members by March this year. About 46,000 party workers starting from state level to grassroots level will be engaged to meet the target," said Sarangi.