Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Thursday celebrated his birthday by sharing a mid-day meal with students of a government school in Morni area in Haryana's Panchkula district.
Khattar, who turned 62 on Thursday, visited the Government Senior Secondary School and distributed school uniforms among the students.
The school children were surprised when the chief minister joined them for the mid-day meal.
Khattar sat on the floor mat in one of the classrooms with other children to share the meal with them. He interacted with the students.
The chief minister began the day by visiting the Panchkula Civil Hospital, 15 km from here. He distributed fruits to the patients and wished them speedy recovery.
Khattar, who became a first time legislator in the October 2014 assembly elections, was chosen by the BJP to be its first chief minister in Haryana though he had no previous administrative experience.
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He assumed office as chief minister on October 26, 2014.
Before joining the BJP, Khattar was a Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) 'Pracharak'. He was a trader in Delhi earlier.
Khattar, who is unmarried and a vegetarian, graduated from Delhi University.