Panasonic India on Wednesday launched a new smartphone 'P9' at Rs 6,290. The 5-inch HD device with 'Asahi IPS' display sports an 8MP rear camera and 5MP front camera.
"P9 is targeted towards consumers who are always on the go, look for durability in display screen and want a smooth multi-tasking experience with the latest Android Nougat 7.0," said Pankaj Rana, Business Head-Mobility Division, Panasonic India, in a statement.
The device is powered by 1.1 GHz quad-core processor paired up with 1GB RAM and an internal memory of 16GB that is expandable up to 32 GB.
The phone has connectivity features including GPS, Wi-Fi, Dual SIM (4G/3G+2G) and micro-SIM.
'P9' is available in champagne gold and black colour at Panasonic brand shops and retail outlets.
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