Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav will unveil sand artist Sudershan Patnaik's black replica of the Taj Mahal at the Taj Nature Walk later Saturday.
The 15-feet structure is adorned with the sculptures of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal.
"It's my tribute to the two great lovers in history on Valentine's Day," Patnaik told IANS.
Shah Jahan's wish to build an exact replica of the Taj in black on the other side of the river Yamuna, just opposite the white marble mausoleum, however, remained unfilled, said tourist guide Ved Gautam.
Talking to IANS, the internationally acclaimed Patnaik said: "I had made a sand black Taj Mahal some ten years ago but this time I have added Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal because of Valentine's Day."
The Taj Nature Walk is located on Fatehabad road, 500 metres away from the Taj Mahal's east gate.