The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Tuesday launched an investigation against chief selector Moin Khan after he was reportedly seen in a Christchurch casino two days before his team's encounter against the West Indies, which Pakistan lost by 150 runs, in the World Cup.
It is understood that Moin might be called back to Pakistan if found guilty. He allegedly visited the casino with his wife at around 3 a.m.
"We have launched an investigation over the reports that Moin Khan visited a casino and action will be taken if the reports are proven true," PCB chairman Shaharyar Khan was quoted as saying by ESPNcricinfo.
"As per initial reports, Moin went there to have a meal two days before the match against West Indies and a Pakistani couple photographed him and made a video. We will not make anybody a scapegoat and will investigate this incident before taking any action."
Though Moin is not a part of the official World Cup squad, he can attend team meetings and, if invited, can be in the dressing room too. While Moin has generally avoided interacting with players during matches, he has at times, been seen sitting next to them in the dug-out since he holds an International Cricket Council (ICC) accreditation.