Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday met 15 people from his parliamentary constituency and listened to their problems. One of them was a woman who had petitioned him for the treatment of her cancer-affected daughter who has lost both her kidneys.
The prime minister met them at his Ravindrapuri office, which was set up to collect petitions from people of his constituency.
Kalyani Mishra, who met Modi later told reporters that she had petitioned the prime minister for help in her daughter's treatment.
Mishra said she was overwhelmed by the way the prime minister not only sympathised with her but also took immediate action.
"The prime minister immediately dialled some officials in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), and directed them to help me on top priority. I never imagined that a prime minister can be so humble and helping," she said misty-eyed.
Others who met the prime minister petitioned him on various issues. Some sought power and water for their villages, some complained of official apathy with regard to their problems and some sought personal help to meet some financial crisis.