The Goa Police on Wednesday denied Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) state unit's charge that Public Works Department Minister Sudin Dhavalikar had forged his graduation degree.
"The allegations made by the applicants in the present proceedings of forgery, false documents and/or allegations contained in the communication dated June 25 are denied," Ponda Police Inspector Sudesh Naik said in his statement to the trial court in Ponda town, 35 km from Panaji.
In June, the AAP said in its complaint that Dhavalikar did not pass B.Sc in 1979 as claimed and that he had lied in a sworn affidavit filed before the poll authorities.
Dhavalikar, a legislator from Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party that is part of the BJP-led alliance government, however rubbished the allegations as "unfounded".
After police did not file a case, AAP member Pradeep Ghadi Amonkar approached the trial court, seeking directions to the police to register an FIR under section 156 (iii) of the Criminal Procedure Code.
The next hearing in the case has been scheduled for September 23.