Tripura Police have launched a probe into the opening of a fake Facebook account in the name of Chief Minister Manik Sarkar, a top police official said here Monday.
"Police have taken suo motu a case after it has learnt that a fake Facebook account was opened recently in the name of Chief Minister Manik Sarkar. Probe is now on in this regard," Director General of Police K. Nagraj told IANS.
He said: "Tripura Police has a full-fledged wing of cyber crime. We believe that we would soon get a breakthrough into the offence."
Police have also initiated the process to file an FIR (first information report) at the West Kotowali police station in Agartala against unknown persons and the cyber crime wing was also investigating into the case.
Police found that many postings were made in the bogus Facebook account.
When contacted, Sarkar told reporters that he has no mail ID or Facebook account nor has given permission to anyone to open mail ID or Facebook account.