Actor Sathyaraj says his role in the forthcoming Tamil action movie "Poojai" is the best opportunity he has got since his 1993 cult hit "Walter Vetrivel" also in Tamil.
Sathyaraj has played a police officer in both films.
"I really enjoyed playing police officer in 'Poojai'. I think it's the best opportunity I have got since 'Walter Vetrivel'," he told reporters at a promotional event here Sunday.
"Poojai", directed by Hari Gopalakrishnan, features Vishal Krishna Reddy and Shruti Haasan in lead roles.
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Sathyaraj, 60, said he bonded well with 37-year-old Vishal.
"Vishal and I bonded like we were friends. Our age never came in between our relationship. We cracked jokes together on the sets," he said.
The film is slated for Diwali release.