Actress Prachi Desai promoted her forthcoming film "Azhar" on "So You Think You Can Dance 'Ab India Ki Baari'". She says she is in awe of Bollywood's dancing diva Madhuri Dixit-Nene and ace choreographers Bosco Martis and Terence Lewis, who are seen as judges on the dance reality show.
"'So You Think You Can Dance' is India's biggest dance platform. I am in awe of the judges of the show. I hope that the journey of the contestants are fruitful and wish them all the very best," Prachi said in a statement.
Prachi appeared on the show along with her "Azhar" co-stars Emraan Hashmi and Nargis Fakhri. The film is slated to release on Friday.
The episode of the &TV show featuring the "Azhar" cast will be aired on Saturday.