In a bid to track, challenge, fight and stop discrimination in all forms, here comes an anti-prejudice App that offers real time reporting on prejudices faced at school or on social media.
Launching soon for iPhone and android phones, the free app, called Prejudice Tracker, is the first and only crowd sourced tracking system to report, monitor and measure acts of prejudice, persecution and discrimination around the world.
Victims and observers can report and describe the type and severity of human versus human acts of prejudice.
"From school and social media bullying to sexual orientation or racially motivated slurs and discrimination, Prejudice Tracker creates a record of the event, empowers the victim and puts the perpetrator on notice," said David Katz of Pennsylvania-based Dynamic Digital Advertising that made this app.
Browsers can also view an interactive map of incidents around the world and sort by geography and severity of incidents.
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The user can also generate charts, watch trends and suggest new categories and types of prejudice to be included and tracked, said Katz in a press release.
For the victim, this means a place to tell their story, to vent, heal, fight back, and have some control.
For the observer of an event, it is a forum to share their experience and make a positive impact on the world.
For the perpetrator, it is exposure - a chance to comprehend the negativity of the incident they caused, to understand the effect on their victim and feel responsibility, and perhaps even to grow and change their ways, added the release.