Getting ready for a date? Experts suggest avoid certain things like talking about ex-partners, excess alcohol intake and physical intimacy. shares quick tips to avoid dating disasters:
1 - Time and Place: Decide and go to a place that both of you are familiar with. So that you don't have trouble finding it later. Make sure that the time suits both of you. Also, confirm it in the morning so that you know exactly when you're meeting.
2 - Conversation: There's nothing worse than an awkward silence on a date, so indulge in healthy conversation and talk about various subjects to keep the conversation flowing. If you've met via online, browse his profile to know more about his interests. Avoid conversations about your ex-partners and weather.
3 - Dress Comfortably: Look your best. Go for stylish yet comfortable dresses. But don't wear something that could provide a wardrobe malfunction moment. Apart from outfit, wear matching accessories and comfortable shoes. Avoid heels if you are not used to wearing it.
4 - Alcohol Intake: Avoid alcohol before going on a date. But if you choose to drink, then make sure you don't take more than two shots as it always works well. There's nothing more unattractive than a woman slurring her words and crying about how her ex-partner, that too when she is out on a date.
5 - No Sex: If you ever want to see him again, then don't get intimate with your partner on your first date. If the date went well, then let him know by giving a gentle peck on cheek and wait for him to call you for a second date.