The Indian Railways on Thursday announced the launch of a scheme on pilot basis from November 1 to provide confirmed seats to wait-listed passengers on alternate trains.
The pilot project scheme 'Vikalpa' would be implemented for six months on the Delhi-Lucknow and the Delhi-Jammu routes. It will initially be available for tickets booked online.
Under the scheme, wait-listed passengers of a train can opt for confirmed seats on alternate trains.
"Neither extra money will be charged nor refund provided for difference in fares," the ministry of railways said in a statement, adding that a passenger allotted alternate seat could travel in the alternate train on authority of the original ticket.
Wait-listed passengers of a train will not be allowed to board it if allotted seat on alternate train, the statement said.
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"If found travelling, they will be treated as travelling without ticket and charged accordingly," the railways said.
Noting that opting for the scheme did not mean a confirmed berth will be provided to a passenger in alternate train, the ministry clarified it was subject to availability of trains and berths.
Once confirmed in alternate train, the ticket cancellation charges will be as per the berth or train status in the alternate train, according to the statement.