After the end of campaigning for the Lok Sabha polls, Congress candidate from the Ghaziabad Lok Sabha constituency and veteran Bollywood actor Raj Babbar has returned to the shooting of his film "Tevar" in Pune.
In "Tevar", he plays an honest police officer.
"I want to stress the fact that the cop I play is an honest cop. It's very essential to show India's politics and bureaucracy in a favourable light. Not all politicians and civil servants are as corrupt as they're shown in our films," said Babbar.
In fact, one of the reasons why Raj Babbar is taking the break between the end of the election campaign and poll results May 16 as an opportunity to shoot his pending portion for "Tevar", is because of the positive light in which his character is portrayed.
Apparently, the prolific actor who has played villainous parts in many films in the past, including his notorious career-making "Insaaf Ka Tarazu", is done with playing negative characters in films.
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"In my 35-year film career, I've played it all, the good, bad and the ugly. I have no craving to be in films just for the heck of it. There has to be a good reason for me to do a film. My constituency keeps me busy otherwise," he said.
He finds key changes in moviemaking now.
"Filmmaking has become a very time consuming process now. Earlier everyone did their work and left. Now during shooting, everyone crowds around the monitor to mull over every shot. That's a great way to work. But it doesn't suit my schedules.
"I've just a small role in 'Tevar', which I agreed to do because I wanted to portray our much-maligned bureaucracy in a good light. It's a two-day shoot. Then I return to Ghaziabad for the election results," he said.
The actor-politician says the election campaign has been exhausting but satisfying.
"Unlike most other candidates from the entertainment industry, I am not in my constituency to campaign and move on. Ghaziabad is my home, my life. God willing, I'll be elected again," he said.