Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, who underwent a health check-up including a cardiology test on Saturday, was working "as usual" after returning from a hospital in neighbouring Gurgaon, an official said.
"Right after coming back from the hospital, the minister started working as usual. He has been having meetings with various people and has a packed day on the International Women's Day tomorrow (Sunday)," a home ministry official told IANS.
"The home minister is perfectly fine and has been working normally," the official said, adding that the minister did go to the hospital but there was nothing serious.
Earlier in the day, a senior home ministry official who did not wish to be named, said that Rajnath Singh had gone to the hospital for a "pre-scheduled annual routine check-up", where he underwent a cardiology test as well.
It was reported that Singh, 63, went to the hospital following chest pain and was admitted for a few hours before being discharged.
He reached Medicity Medanta hospital around 9.15 a.m. and left it at 1.20 p.m.
A.K. Dubey, medical superintendent of the hospital, had declined to comment on the home minister's condition.