BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj, who has stoked controversies in the past, said on Sunday that a Ram temple will definitely be built at Ayodhya under a BJP government.
Sakshi Maharaj, who is MP from Unnao adjoining Lucknow, told journalists in the town that people should not doubt intentions of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
"We should not doubt the intensions of BJP. It is certain that Ram mandir will be constructed under the BJP rule. It may be built tomorrow or the day after. We have completed just one year in power, four more years are to go," he said.
The MP also said he was a product of the Ram temple movement and the people in the movement had decided to back a party which supported their cause.
"I am thankful to BJP that it supported Ram mandir agenda. BJP had sacrificed its four state governments on Ayodhya issue. So we should not doubt the intensions of the party," he said.
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Sakshi Maharaj was earlier served a show cause notice by the party for his suggestion that Hindu women should have four children.
Reacting to the statement, Congress leader Shakeel Ahmed said Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks of "being one" but his partymen keep speaking in different voices.