Bollywood director and producer Kunal Kohli, who announced his upcoming film 'Ramyug' on Thursday, says it is the right time to make this film, given the changed mindset of today's youth.
The 'Faana' director interacted with the media at the film announcement event here.
Commenting on the changed preferences of youth in terms of watching TV shows and movies, Kunal said: "Maybe that's why it is more important to make 'Ramyug' now. Mindsets have changed so much that people think cursing on screen is now cool but our traditions and culture will never be outdated. It has survived for so many years.
"I think it is wrong to assume that youth will or won't like something. It may be possible they don't know what they want, so until you present something in front of them, we won't know. We can't decide what youth wants."
When asked if making 'Ramyug' could be risky, Kunal said: "I think there is always a risk in any film that one makes and the interpretation that one does.
"Filmmaking itself is a risk, one day you are on top and the other you are down. My career is in front of all of you... The moment you enter the film industry, you know there are going to be ups and downs."
Kohli said he had decided to work with new faces for the film.
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"I will introduce the star cast to everyone gradually. We have signed the star cast and will start the film shortly," he said.
Kunal was last seen featuring in 'Phir Se', a project which he both directed and acted in alongside Jennifer Winget.
'Ramyug', directed by Kunal Kohli and written by Kamlesh Pandey, will be shot in Mauritius.
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