Actress Rashmi Gupta, known for shows like "Yeh Vaada Raha" and "Vani Rani", will play a well educated woman named Saraswati in the upcoming show "Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega".
"I'm excited to play Saraswati, who is very educated girl. But after marriage, she is stuck with household work and can't live a life that she wishes to," Rashmi said in a statement.
Talking about the show, she said: "'Guddan...' is a story of three girls - Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati who are married to a family and are responsible to look after their father-in-law. The trio later come up with an idea to bring a lady for their father-in-law. So they start searching for someone who can become their mother-in-law."
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