The Odisha government has collected Rs.1,043.21 crore as revenue from taxes and fines on motor vehicles in the 2015-16 fiscal, Transport Commissioner Chandra Sekhar Kumar said on Monday.
The revenue target was Rs.1,070 crore.
The revenue collection registered a growth of 14.60 percent compared against last year's figures, he said in a letter to the state's road transport officers.
The officer said transport authorities suspended 2,524 driving licences for drunken driving whereas a total of 3,705 such cases were detected between September 2015 and February 2016.
A total of Rs.34.28 lakh was collected as fine from offenders during the period, Kumar said in another letter to the excise secretary.
All RTOs have been instructed to suspend the driving licences of offenders for three months in cases of speeding, drunken driving, overloading, carrying passengers in goods carriages and talking on mobile phones while driving.