Veteran designer Ritu Kumar has launched an initiative titled 'Beautiful Hands Make Beautiful Work' to recognise the work of craftsmen.
The campaign will feature a series of videos released over time with an objective to portray the people and craft behind Ritu Kumar label. The videos will narrate the story behind the identity, craftsmanship and the revival of Indian textiles and crafts.
Mummy Daddy Media Pvt Ltd and Chintan Gohil, a budding artist and videographer, the creative minds behind the concept have created and produced the four part video series.
The first video was premiered at the ongoing LFW winter/festive 2014 Saturday.
"We are very happy to launch this initiative that applauds the people who create these beautiful ensembles and celebrates the journey of a garment from a weaver's village to an embroider's workshop," Amrish Kumar, CEO, Ritu Kumar, and the brainchild behind the concept, said in a statement.
"Working in the industry for decades, we as a brand salute these craftsmen for their art," he added.