Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav Wednesday announced a financial assistance of Rs.30 lakh for the family of Col. Munindra Nath Rai who was killed in a gun battle with militants in Jammu and Kashmir.
Col. Rai was killed in a gunfight with Hizbul Mujahideen guerrillas in Handoora forest area near Tral town of Pulwama district. He belonged to Ghazipur district of Uttar Pradesh.
In a condolence message, Yadav paid rich tributes to Col. Rai and said the exemplary courage and supreme sacrifice of the army officer would never be forgotten.
The chief minister said the government was with the army officer's family in their hour of grief.
Col. Rai was awarded a Yudh Seva Medal on Republic Day.