Celebrated filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt and academic-activist Ritu Dewan launched filmmaker Saeed Akhtar Mirza's latest book "Memory In The Age Of Amnesia" at the Crossword bookstore here.
Moderating the launch on Friday was Sidharth Bhatia, founding editor of The Wire, and he engaged in a hearty conversation with the trio.
Speaking at the launch, Mirza said: "Words like democracy, patriotism, national interest have lost their meaning today. We need to retrieve those words again. This book is to remind people of the past and give them hope. I don't write a book they are installations of my experiences and memories in my mind."
"Memory In The Age of Amnesia" seeks to establish multiple realities through a series of tales and stories that are rooted in one's understanding of dreams, nightmares, violence and repentance.
This book is a collection of excerpts from Mirza's personal life that showcase the past and links it to the present. It portrays a vision of building up of a nation from the colloquial tales and experiences of common people.
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Speaking about the book, Mahesh Bhatt said: "What is unique about the book is that if you have torn the enemy to shreds, you still have the ability to reflect. Our nation's soul is much bigger than the government; the nation is not the government. And this book looks unflinchingly at that reality. This book has the audacity of hope."
Also gracing the event were Ashutosh Gowariker, Sudhir Mishra, Aziz Mirza and Makarand Deshpande.
The evening was full of chatter as Saeed discussed his childhood and the conflict driven situations he had faced while growing up. A trail of stories were exchanged between the three as Mahesh Bhatt along with Ritu Dewan discussed the nostalgic past of India while sharing insights on their hope of what the future should be.
The book is available at bookstores as well as on commerce platforms.
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