Actor Gabriel Vats, who played a pregnant man in his debut film "I Am Mr Mother", on Tuesday announced his ambitious venture "Sawa-The Beginning" which is based on Indian and Pakistani spy agencies, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).
"My film is based on RAW and ISI. The protagonist is a person who is initially a hacker, but while getting involved in secret missions, he becomes an agent," said Vats told IANS at the 'muhurat' of the film.
About the unusual title, he said: "The lead character of the film goes by the name Samrat Walia. But people coin a term for him: Sawa, which is Sa from Samrat and Wa from Walia. This prompted me to keep it as the title of the film."
This time, he'll also be donning the director's hat for "Sawa-The Beginning". Mentioning how he got the idea of writing such a script, he said: "While sleeping in the night, if the script strikes me, I instantly write it down. For this I don't need to take any sort of training. It comes on its own."
Despite the film being about intelligence agencies, there's no preachy message he's trying to convey through it, said Vats. "I'm not trying to send any great message to the audience. The youngsters of my age prefer watching Hollywood films on Youtube and are least concerned about Indian films. That's because romantic, masala films are always in trend where the boy and girl fall in love and the film is over. The kind of films that people of my age love. I intend to give such kind of a film to India."
Vats is in talks with Ajaz Khan for the role of the RAW trainer which is very powerful and crucial to the plot. He feels his real-life attitude of a "bhai" would be apt for it. He also plans to cast Miss India Koyal Rana for the female part.
The movie is going on floors on October 25 and Vats is looking for an release August 12 next year.