Actress Sonam Kapoor Wednesday unveiled the latest make-up collection of L'Oreal Paris for the Festival de Cannes 2014. She is excited about flaunting the new looks on the red carpet at the fest, starting May 14.
The collection is inspired by the "gold", and L'Oreal Paris beauty expert Namrata Soni has created three looks inspired by infusion of gold and exciting spring hues.
Sonam, who will attend the festival May 18-19, is looking forward to the event "because of the exceptional make-up and looks that L'Oreal Paris launches."
"I am really excited about the L'Or Lumiere collection as it embodies two of my favourite make-up trends - neo gold and brights! Namrata has done a fabulous job on the three looks and I'm quite excited to showcase these trends on a global platform," Sonam said in a statement.
Namrata feels that "L'Oreal Paris has always crafted products that accentuate the grace and elegance of the modern Indian women". She has tried to achieve the same with the latest make-up line.
Apart from Sonam, the other L'Oreal Paris India ambassadors, who will grace the event, are Aishwarya Rai Bachchan who will attend the festival May 16-17, and Freida Pinto who will walk the Cannes red carpet May 17-18.