Sony Electronics on Tuesday launched two medium-range smartphones in the Indian market, the C4 dual and the Aqua M4, to expand its Xperia range in the country.
The Xperia Aqua M4 will be available from Tuesday for Rs.24,990 and the C4 Dual will be available from mid-June. Sony didn't disclose the price of the "C" series variant.
The new devices were showcased in the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this year nad have nearly the same specifications. While the Aqua M4 is the first complete water-proof smartphone in the mid-range segment, the C4 boasts of having more camera modes that the rivals.
"We are looking to reach the top in this price segment with our new releases and in the future Sony will release many more products," Mukesh Srivastava, head at product marketing (Xperia devices), said during the launch.