Budget passenger carrier SpiceJet Tuesday launched its Holi promotional scheme 'colour the skies' with domestic fares starting at Rs.1,699 all inclusive.
The airline's promotional scheme is also valid for international bookings starting at Rs.3,799 for Delhi to Kathmandu.
According to the airline, under the latest offer, tickets on routes like Hyderabad to Vijayawada, Delhi to Dehradun, Guwahati to Kolkata, Ahmedabad to Mumbai and Bangalore to Hyderabad can be booked at Rs.1,699.
Delhi to Kathmandu flights can be booked at Rs.3,799, with discounted fares also available on most other international routes.
The company said that a total of 100,000 seats are available on sale.
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The latest discount scheme by the company is one of the many such offers that it has come out with in the recent past to shore up bookings in the lean travel period.
The company said that passengers can make bookings for the latest offer which is now open till midnight Feb 26 for travel period from March 1 to April 20, 2015.
The airline had recently announced a new enhanced schedule effective from March 29. The new schedule offers improved metro connectivity, attractive day return options, attractive non-metro connections and better timings.